Land of Nod

The Abominable Snowman

Little Red Riding Hood

A magical, wintery production brings Jack Frost to life through puppetry, live music and enchanting storytelling. Meet our mischievous sprite as he takes us on a snowy adventure but wrap up warm or you’ll catch him nipping at your fingers and toes! A story of friendship and bravery to warm our hearts this winter.

An enchanted island in the middle of the ocean and the storm to end all storms, The Tempest in a Teacup reimagines Shakespeare’s fantastical play for a young audience.
Re-igniting the Legend of King Arthur and the Green Knight, Moon On A Stick are in the process of creating their next theatrical masterpiece with puppets, crows, dragons and more!!.... Read More

A magical and mischievous reimagining of Hans Christian Anderson's classic story.
A fun, festive twist on this well known tale told through puppetry, song and light play, this is a joyful retelling of a Winter classic.
A child with see-through skin and hair that never dries is discovered in a rock pool on the Cornish coast. But land or sea, where does she belong?.... Read more